Alma Prisen 2023
Alma Prisen 2023 Verdens kvinder i Danmark uddelte Alma Prisen 2023. Den bliver givet til Olga Stephensen. En dansker med ukrainske rødder. I kan læse om vores prismodtager på vores Facebooks side.READ MORE
Alma Prisen 2023 Verdens kvinder i Danmark uddelte Alma Prisen 2023. Den bliver givet til Olga Stephensen. En dansker med ukrainske rødder. I kan læse om vores prismodtager på vores Facebooks side.READ MORE
The election campaign in connection with this fall’s municipal elections are now underway. Our Association is concerned about the low representation of women in the election. We are also concernedREAD MORE
Verdens kvinder i Danmark in cooperation with others from VerdensKulturCentrets network is planning to hold an event at Folkemødet in Bornholm. We will discuss how to talk about minorities, in order to hear them and to include them in the community. Words can hurt. Words create generalizations, stereotypes and prejudicesREAD MORE
Do divorces with families from the non-Western countries have a distinctive feature that separates them from ethnic Danish families? It was a wide-ranging debate on this issue that our Association has organized in cooperation with Interkulturelt Kvinderåd (The Intercultural women’s Council) and Dansk Kvindesamfund (The Danish women’s society). Many problemsREAD MORE
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