Help women in implementing successful electoral campaigns





















The election campaign in connection with this fall’s municipal elections are now underway. Our Association is concerned about the low representation of women in the election. We are also concerned about the well-known statistic, which shows that only 25% of females give their vote in favor of a woman. We would like to help to increase women’s representation in municipal councils. We want to do everything in our power to change this situation for the better by helping women to implement successful election campaigns.

Verdens kvinder i Danmark would like to develop a campaign to Send more Women, which could help female candidates to get space in the municipal boards. We want to highlight in particular the female candidates with ethnic minority background facing the electorate. For this task we will get tips from our page’s readers about how we can do it.

We will first learn about the women with an ethnic minority background, who have lined up for the elections. We are already in touch with four of them :Dzenana Secic Colo (Venstre in Copenhagen), Maria Sadd (Konservative inFrederiksberg), Pil Yildiz (Enhedslisten in Frederiksberg) og Alina Protsyk (Radikale Venstre in Copenhagen).

We will propose them to make collective arrangements, where they can spread their electoral message. Our Association believes in joint activities, and that women are the best helpers to each other. We also think that reaching women from different parties stands together, they can show how diversity can look and how strong it can be. Common activities can also achieve wide press coverage.

So we in the Association will ask everyone to help us to make women’s power and resources visible. We will ask to come up with proposals for joint events in order to expand female candidates ‘ network. What can it be? Where? When?  Share your experience about what works best! Come with your descriptions of the previous election arrangements, which might have been both good and bad. Our collective experience is important to us in the Association and the women’s network, which we will create.


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