Our organization puts members with an education from another country in contact with Danish mentors.

We are in close contact with mentoring institutions and services, and we therefore inform and guide our members to finding a good fit for their needs. Additionally, we provide mentors from within the organization based on demand, and we therefore view ourselves as a complementary service to other professional services.

Currently, we have four pairs of mentorship collaborations taking place. One of our collaborations was formed due to a common interest in the Chinese language; two others were formed based on mutual professional backgrounds in economics and medicine. Lastly, the final collaboration was paired together based on a common interest in working on the organizations development strategy.

We are always looking for more mentors with different skills and interests!

We would also like to include more male mentors in order to create an equal balance in this area of our organization and to compliment the women to women mentoring already in place. We commonly experience that our members find it easier to establish a wide female network, however we are firm believers in the idea that a balance in gender makes for an even stronger network.

Our goal is to use the attributes of a male network in order to strengthen the position of women on the labour market. And so it is our opinion that this aim can help in the promotion of gender equality and the idea that women and men must work together, support each other and be aware if the importance of gender equality in Denmark.

In relation to the mentorship concept, our organization is also working towards creating a mentoring program between immigrants, where a well-integrated immigrant woman helps a newcomer. The purpose of this initiative is to provide newcomers with a fast track into society through the guidance of a mentor who both understand the language and cultural background of both sides and is aware of how to overcome potential barriers.


  1. Jeg læser kinesisk på Københavns Universitet og vil meget gerne hjælpe såfremt I mangler mentorer til etniske kinesere. Med venlig hilsen Ida

  2. Author

    Kære Ida! Mange tak for dit tilbud. Vi har på nuværende tidspunkt ingen kinesere i vores forening, men vi vil tage kontakt til dig hvis der kommer nogle. Du må meget gerne hjælpe vores forening på andre måder, hvis du er interessere. Du kan skrive til os på kontakt@verdenskvinder.dk

  3. Kære verdens Kvinder i DK.
    Hvordan ser det ud med mentorer uden for Kbh.?
    Jeg underviser udlændinge i Aalborg og synes også, der er brug for mentorer heropppe.

    Med venlig hilsen

  4. Author

    Kære Susan,
    Tak for din kommentar og dit forslag. Vi har ikke nogen medlemmer i Ålborg, derfor har vi heller ingen aktiviteter i Ålborg, men hvis du er interesseret i at være mentor eller hjælpe foreningen på andre måder, vil vi sætte stor pris på det.

  5. Jeg arbejder som mentor i Kvinfo, men det er ingen hindring for at jeg måske også kan bruges i jeres netværk. jeg er pensioneret gymnasielærer i bl. a. dansk, så min spidskompetence er undervisning i dansk, men det kan jo handle om det danske samfund, som jeg jo har mange års erfaring med

  6. Author

    Kære Karen.

    tak for din mail. Vi vil meget gerne tage imod dit tilbud. Kan du komme til vores jubilæums fest d.29.august kl.12.00-16.00 på Sankt Hans torv, hvor vi kan snakke om det?

    Mvh Alma Bekturganova

  7. Hej. Jeg er en uden EU læge og jeg har bruge for nogen, der kan hjælpe mig at udvikle mit sprog

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