About provocation, tradition and other things

[book id=” /]It was a heavily attended event when well known feminist and Instagrammer, Ekaterina Krarup Andersen, was invited by our organisation to be a spokesperson. In inviting Ekaterina to come and start a dialogue with the audience, our aim was to raise awareness amongst our members regarding the new wave of feminist movements. Our hope being that it might contribute to the establishing of relationships between young Danish women and ethnic minority women. Ekaterina is well suited for this inspirational role as she is a modern Danish feminist who grew up in a mixed marriage family, which is similar to the background of many of our members.

Ekaterina Krarup Andersen was born in Moscow, in the late days of the Soviet Union, and is a former member of Girlsquad. During this time, she wrote the book ‘The Hooker Manifest’ in collaboration with Nikita Klæstrup and Louise Kjølsen. The book takes a look at how to navigate issues such as unwanted sexual experiences, sexual harassment on social media and fake orgasms amongst other topics. Typically, Ekaterina uses her Instagram profile as a platform for the new wave feminist voice, her posts reach over 200,000 followers with the intention of breaking the wall of silence and to create a social debate about what it is like to be a woman in 2018. Throughout the evening of our event, Ekaterina shared stories of both success and failure deriving from her many years of experience with creating both visual and written art with a feminist perspective. She spoke about how to make people listen, as well as about finding the balance between provocation and tradition. Additionally, Ekaterina drew attention to the importance of speaking to an audience as an equal and to never appear condescending. Lastly, she spoke about the beneficial aspects of having fragility as one of your strongest personal vices.

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