In order to support HIV infected children in Osh (Kyrgyzstan) we have arranged Christmas marked on the 1st of December. Members of the Association came with the clothes and other things (toys, Christmas decorations, etc..), which they do not use anymore, but still have value. We sold it for 20READ MORE

A regular meeting on interests within the framework of the project “Clever Monday” was held on the 14th of May, 2012. The meeting was opened by Kirsten Fisher, a specialist in the field of education. Kirsten described the childhood bilingualism, pointing out that every child has the inner ability toREAD MORE

…Jeg vil prøve at forstå dig, mening vil jeg finde i dig … (Aleksandr Sergejevitj Pusjkin) Vi er modne mennesker, der er opvokset i forskellige kulturelle traditioner i de lande, hvor vi er født og har boet det meste af vores liv. I dag bor vi fast i Danmark, ogREAD MORE