Verdens kvinder i Danmark in cooperation with others from VerdensKulturCentrets network is planning to hold an event at Folkemødet in Bornholm. We will discuss how to talk about minorities, in order to hear them and to include them in the community. Words can hurt. Words create generalizations, stereotypes and prejudicesREAD MORE

Do divorces with families from the non-Western countries have a distinctive feature that separates them from ethnic Danish families? It was a wide-ranging debate on this issue that our Association has organized in cooperation with Interkulturelt Kvinderåd  (The Intercultural women’s Council)  and Dansk Kvindesamfund (The Danish women’s society). Many problemsREAD MORE

Just before Christmas we have visited the Parliament situated in the Christiansborg Palace. A member of the Parliament, Fatma Oktem, invited our organization to the excursion around the Parliament and a discussion of problems which are of great importance for women from ethnical minorities. It was a pleasure to meetREAD MORE

On the 8th of March, up to 50 women and 3 men met up in VerdensKulturCentret to the debate on the topic ‘ Double glass ceiling ‘ for women leaders of ethnic background – women’s struggle or ethnic struggle? On the occasion of international women’s day, three women in leadershipREAD MORE

In September 2010 the Association Verdens kvinder i Danmark has sent a letter to the Chairman of the Danish Parliament- Immigration and integration policy Committee, Karen Jespersen. In the letter, we have described the problems which highly educated foreigners face concerning the language.  The Association was invited to the meetingREAD MORE

On the 16th of September, 2010, Chairwoman Karlygash Amandosova and spokeswoman of the Association Alma Bekturganova Andersen attended a meeting with integration spokesman for SF Astrid Krag, who visited  VerdensKulturCentret’s language café. They discussed the issues which the Association has raised concerning the language problem as a specific barrier toREAD MORE