Director of the film, Mette Knudsen, presented the film and explained her reasons for working on precisely this project. We saw two parts of the film; the rest were to be seen at home. Mette gave the audience a copy of the film in its entirety with English subtitles. TheREAD MORE

Get tips for your personal finances from a leading specialist. We have got a unique opportunity to present professor from Copenhagen Business School, Department of finance Michael Møller, who usually only advises an exclusive audience of wealthy investors. But this time he would also like to hold presentations for ethnicREAD MORE

Our Association takes the initiative to arrange an experience development meeting for representatives from associations of  ethnic minority women. We suggest that we discuss how we can best tell the outside world about our associations? What means and methods are most appropriate and work most effectively? What can we learnREAD MORE

There are many needs of our members. One of the most important is to develop their Danish language skills. We regularly use various methods to become better at Danish. On our Clever Monday in April, we have chosen to practice Danish by telling each other one story from our lives.READ MORE