Verdens kvinder i Danmark has invited/ordered two scholars to give lectures on the occasion of the Festival of research. The Festival of research is a nationwide science festival, which takes place every year in week 17 with about 500 events and more than 65,000 visitors. “Order a Researcher” is anREAD MORE

There are many needs of our members. One of the most important is to develop their Danish language skills. We regularly use various methods to become better at Danish. On our Clever Monday in April, we have chosen to practice Danish by telling each other one story from our lives.READ MORE

…Jeg vil prøve at forstå dig, mening vil jeg finde i dig … (Aleksandr Sergejevitj Pusjkin) Vi er modne mennesker, der er opvokset i forskellige kulturelle traditioner i de lande, hvor vi er født og har boet det meste af vores liv. I dag bor vi fast i Danmark, ogREAD MORE

Spokeswoman of the Association Verdens kvinder i Danmark Alma Bekturganova Andersen was invited to attend the debate night in the Danish Parliament for highly educated non-ethnic Danes. Debate evening was held on the 27th of January, 2011 in the Hall of the Christiansborg Palace under the title “Why should thereREAD MORE