Vi er en organisation, der forener kvinder fra hele verden. Der er mange fordele ved dette. En af dem er, at vi kan fejre nytår i meget lang tid. I weekenden fejrede vi nytårets ankomst i henhold til den østlige kalender. Phuong Doan, et aktivt medlem af vores forening gennemREAD MORE

Today marks the official beginning of the Native Language Visits project that our organization, The World’s Women in Denmark, has received funding for. Our aim is to lower the rates of loneliness amongst elder immigrants by arranging visits where communication takes place in their native tongue. Our volunteers possess veryREAD MORE

We recently attended the second meeting of the partnership program for experience exchanges in connection to integration projects, held in Tallinn. We went to learn about Estonia’s NGOs that work with the integration of refugees into Estonian society. We met with representatives from the Ukrainian and Jewish diaspora, we ateREAD MORE

The World’s Women in Denmark received a fantastic opportunity to hear Michelle Obama speak at Royal Arena. Each of us had our own expectations and predictions, but we could all agree on one thing: Michelle Obama is one of the most iconic and exciting women of our time. She isREAD MORE

Our organisation has become very experienced in integrating women of different nationalities into the Danish labor market. It is not the first time that the chairman of the organisation, Alma Bekturganova, has been invited to share these experiences with audiences on a variety of courses and at debates. This time,READ MORE

In connection to the establishing of new programs aimed towards Northern Russia and the Baltics, the Nordic Minister’s Council hosted an informative seminar for NGOs in Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. The chairman of our organisation, Alma Bekturganova Andersen, was invited to present about her experience working on internationalREAD MORE

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY EVENT A breath of fresh air in Denmark We want to honor women who fight for a place they can belong to. We chose to do so, during this year’s International Women’s Day. We want to celebrate women who share their strengths, experiences and love with this countryREAD MORE

Our partners from Russia, Estonia and Lithuania had only two and a half days to gain experience from Danish organisations that work towards helping new immigrants and refugees to find their place within Danish society. We put together a tightly packed program in order to ensure that they were ableREAD MORE

Our collaborative partner from Kyrgyzstan has now written and informed us of how the money we raised for HIV-positive children in Osh has been spent: Just before New Years, 15 HIV-positive children visited the Children’s Entertainment Centre, ‘Illusion’, which recently opened in the city of Osh. ‘Illusion’ is the onlyREAD MORE